New transpoder satellites on the horizon within the next 12 months.
FUNcube-1 AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL collaboration
1U cubesat
Imminent launch on Dnepr booster (21NOV2013)
600-700 km sun-sync orbit
Educational beacon, 1200 baud BPSK (daytime ops)
20 khz U/V transponder, 500 mW (nighttime ops)
Triton-1 ISIS-BV (Innovative Solutions In Space BV)
3U cubesat
Imminent launch on Dnepr booster (21NOV2013)
600-700 km sun-sync orbit
AIS (ship location service) radio science experiment
Two U/V FM to DSB (“AO-16 mode”) repeaters
activated after 3 months (possibly both at once
Delfi-N3xt Technical University of Delft
3U cubesat
Imminent launch on Dnepr booster (21NOV2013)
600-700 km sun-sync orbit
40 khz U/V transponder (after experiments completed)
High speed S-band downlink
CubeBug-2 Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, INVAP
S.E., Satellogic S.A., and Radio Club Bariloche
2U cubesat
Imminent launch on Dnepr booster (21NOV2013)
600-700 km sun-sync orbit
Technology demonstration mission
Digipeater and data downloads open after initial experiments
LituanicaSAT-1 Kaunas University of Technology 1U cubesat
Antares 120/Cygnus NET 11DEC2013
400 km ISS orbit
VGA camera, GPS, 9k6 AX25 beacon
V/U FM repeater, 150 mW
UKube-1 w/ FUNCube-2 UK Space Agency (amateur payload: AMSAT-UK)
3U cubesat
10FEB2014 launch on Soyuz-2
~600 km orbit
Educational beacon, 1200 baud BPSK
20 khz U/V transponder, 500 mW
Launch under negotiation (probably Dnepr)
30 khz LU/V transponder, 2W
LU/V FM repeater, 1W
VHF CW/9k6 data, UHF 9k6 data beacons
Launch unclear, maybe PSLV with Astrosat in 2014
(650km, low inclination)
U/V FM repeater 5W
145.825 digipeater
35kg Microsat
Launch late 2014 800km sun-sync
U/V FM repeater 500 mW
VHF AX25 beacon 500 mW
CAMSAT CAS-2A1 & 2A2 CAMSAT 25kg Microsats with cross-link capability
1000km, 99.5 degree sun-sync
VHF CW, Voice and AX25 beacons
50 kHz U/V transponder, 500mW
200kHz L/S transponder, 320mW
U/V digipeater
UHF CW and AX25 beacons
S CW beacon
10GHz CW beacon
V/U transponder, 500mW
QB50 precursors (not yet named)
SSB/CW, FM Voice
Launch 1st half 2014 (600km orbit)
Thanks Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA and ANS for the above information
source SGAR News