April 30, 2013

AENEAS Packet Telemetry

08.20 UTC
Location : Bangalore, India
Thanks Divya Shankar  (YL).

1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:04:54R]
1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:05:14R]
1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:05:54R]
1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:06:13R]
1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:06:33R]
1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:06:53R]
1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:07:13R]
1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:07:33R]
1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:07:53R]
1:Fm KE6YFA-1 To CQ Via TELEM [14:08:13R]

22:10 UTC

TurkSat3U status

Beacon Status:
Nothing copied since last Friday 26 April.!!

A weak continuous signal (carrier?) with slight Doppler was noticed during the last pass 19:28 19:40 UTC This signal came around the TCA and disappeared around the LOS. Not exactly at the down-link frequency but around  +/- 437.200 MHz.
Yes many sky junks around ! , which can be the cause of such a QRM, It may be interesting to monitor this frequency as long as the signal disappeared with the TurkSat3U's LOS.

Another event occurred last Friday, April 26, 2013, 10:39 AM, while I was monitoring Turksat3U I've noticed two CW signals overlap each other!!, The 1st signal was a clear TurkSat3U Beacon; the other signal was an ambiguous CW signal !.You can see the audio analysis at the previous post ..
Mike(DK3WN)  identified the source of the other signal as a failed CW beacon of RS-40.
(Thanks Mike for help)

Transponder status:
Loop test performed several time ,but nothing heard or seen on the waterfall.

At my previous post Mr.Ahmet Sofyalı from  Space Systems Design and Testing Laboratuary of ITU. Had posted a comment stated:
Since Friday (April 26th), TURKSAT 3USAT could not be heard again.
Thanks Mr.Sofyalı for visiting and comment .
Unfortunately this record from Friday, April 26, 2013, 10:39:51 AM
Still we are QRV with great hope.

Most updated info for Turksat 3U available at Facebook !?
Tamsat Amsat-Tr   and   Turksat3usat Fan Club

April 26, 2013

NASA Phonesat's Puzzle Pictures

Smartphone every where even at sky :)

Here is the composed Puzzle picture from Bell and Graham ( NASA smartphone Nano-satellites) Phonesats. Published at Phone-sat website .

Graham Picture


Bell Picture

See previous post  Phonesat Images received

Turksat 3Usat cw beacon heard over Africa

A weak turksat beacon heard - low pass elevation 
Xponder not heard - !!!
Cubebug-1 beacon not heard !!!
Congratulation to all team for successful launch and orbiting  

At the 1st pass I  detect the beacon too at the  I&Q audio  record file ! 
RTL-SDR confused me with it low resolution  . again congratulation

April 25, 2013

Images received from Phonesat

Here are example of the images I received from Phonesat ,every Image is small part of one big picture
 which is been compose by phonesat team from the world wide collected data ,Like jigsaw puzzle photo.

The received packet frames decoded at Phonesat website.
log in or sign in .
Go to packet page
Copy and past the packet frame at the decoder window.
Click decode button .
A link will shown down the decoder with decoded image link.
Click save the image.
the Image with file extension .webp.
Use Opera or Google chrome to open it.

 The ratio of the received images size to full screen size.!!

Below is the recent email from PhoneSat team gave more info, plus the new 2TL.
We have finally received official TLEs of the three satellites. They have been updated to the website. We also add them in this email:
1 39142U 13016A 13114.89139670 .02066248 11824-4 11888-2 0 125
2 39142 051.6312 294.1214 0011318 353.4416 006.6606 16.18063182 484
1 39143U 13016B 13114.89029360 .02779577 11872-4 14142-2 0 147
2 39143 051.6283 294.1154 0011084 343.5055 016.9415 16.19669199 498
1 39146U 13016E 13114.89004989 .02887841 11883-4 14290-2 0 38
2 39146 051.6237 294.1128 0010785 344.8223 015.2784 16.20034403 395

I seems that Alexander and Bell are flying very close to each other and Graham is a bit more distant. As for now, the TLEs that we had seem to point more towards Graham, but we would suggest targeting Alexander and Bell.
We are working on releasing the reconstructed pictures that we have so far, we still need your help to finalize the picture.
Again, thank you very much for your great collaboration, we will let you know once the pictures are on the site.
PhoneSat team

More info about  NASA Phonesat  see NASA NEWS

 Phonesats tlm & Image packet frames rx 25/4/2013

 14:13  14:21  UTC

1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:15:17R]
2:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:15:43R]
ÿ5qk&N1/^\57X>%7!*;TU:f^CP+Dq/Z!3u\,SH12S!"T&n/J8Xa_(=(=[*CpeQkX*FT-jG-8#;5)3^&<2y5kdo b="" i="G3(%8)Q\X/8`l-ia5ÿ<br">
1:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:16:14R]
1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:19:02R]
1:Fm KJ6KRW-1 To CQ Via TCPIP [17:22:01R]
1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:26:25R]
2:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:26:58R]
ÿ5qk&N1/^\57X>%7!*;TU:f^CP+Dq/Z!3u\,SH12S!"T&n/J8Xa_(=(=[*CpeQkX*FT-jG-8#;5)3^&<2y5kdo b="" i="G3(%8)Q\X/8`l-ia5ÿ<br">
1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:28:21R]
1:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:29:40R]
1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:32:37R]

Here are example of the  images I received from Phonesat

April 24, 2013

Phonesat Packet TLM

14:40  14:48 UTC

1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:47:27R]
2:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:47:27R]
1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:48:32R]
2:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:48:32R]
1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:49:07R]
2:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:49:07R]
2:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:49:31R]
ÿ5qk#N1f?n77Y1U?!*;TU:f^CP+Ed_b!7CrLSH12S!"T&o%1:Fm KJ6KRW-1 To CQ Via TCPIP [17:50:10R]
617J-!<2rizz06k as="" e:a="" ti="">\o-SXC(KYq7[%"C\gXS5PX(t$M%JLQhpIV(O"Z4._#=lWAk*tmg4UOdQ@Nt%WDCJ!!ÿ
2:Fm KJ6KRW-1 To CQ Via TCPIP [17:50:10R]
617J-!<2rizz06k as="" e:a="" ti="">\o-SXC(KYq7[%"C\gXS5PX(t$M%JLQhpIV(O"Z4._#=lWAk*tmg4UOdQ@Nt%WDCJ!!ÿ
1:Fm KJ6KRW-1 To CQ Via TCPIP [17:58:14R]
ÿ681/Q1K$e67Z%0G!*;TU:f^CP+FX:j!)`n!SH12S!"T&n73%4QK)gEe!/Qr&!B:((i9kriAf8t2!<3 amp="" bq="" d94mh=";[aYPT=G)u\ÿ<br" hson5p2ba="" jz="" pvq4qs="" qdkcpkgfw="" qo="" ro1r="" rs="" t2="" uhnsm="" ulj="">2:Fm KJ6KRW-1 To CQ Via TCPIP [17:58:14R]
ÿ681/Q1K$e67Z%0G!*;TU:f^CP+FX:j!)`n!SH12S!"T&n73%4QK)gEe!/Qr&!B:((i9kriAf8t2!<3 amp="" bq="" d94mh=";[aYPT=G)u\ÿ<br" hson5p2ba="" jz="" pvq4qs="" qdkcpkgfw="" qo="" ro1r="" rs="" t2="" uhnsm="" ulj="">

April 23, 2013

Phonesats TLM with puzzle pieces frames

14:46  14:54 UTC
A delay of 3 or 4 min noticed  ref to 1st Published  Keps !!

1:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:50:43R]
ÿ5qk#N2c<4:7yh amp="" bh="" br="" ch="" f="" g3lsh12s="" h="" hb="" j1u7="" ln="" nnredr="" s="">
(9_M5]WOA#&idXcMloDRcp#NEkK#bT4:1ClOuT=Gd(]a#OJ>61*!=h;`u$j<2 b="" br="" k="" m="" oms="" qi="">1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:52:53R]
2:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:52:53R]
1:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:53:12R]
o9N[Gb,8d['CG^%KJkX$jXPZIQO_43Y2:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:53:12R]
o9N[Gb,8d['CG^%KJkX$jXPZIQO_43Y1:Fm KJ6KRW-1 To CQ Via TCPIP [17:53:56R]
ÿ63$uc!<<*"%0-A0h#IE_5l^lch%J@3Qp>0g!^i0?k2:Fm KJ6KRW-1 To CQ Via TCPIP [17:53:56R]
ÿ63$uc!<<*"%0-A0h#IE_5l^lch%J@3Qp>0g!^i0?k1:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:54:39R]
2:Fm KJ6KRW To CQ Via TELEM [17:54:39R]
1:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:54:42R]

[i&isB1TGfc!IQCn8\7kCfdIf#uI7iD#JjCB*)4=1:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:55:42R]

2.UaO\-.9+Jfi_N4</%^+i4Jk"T5;?XVqX%nT]jM2:Fm KJ6KRW-2 To CQ Via TELEM [17:55:42R]


April 22, 2013

All 3 Phonesat received

15:07 UTC
Orbit # 13
The signals were so strong and very readable from the 3 phonesat
Received via FunCube dongle and Soundmodem frequency 437.425MHZ .

April 18, 2013

Graham and Bell weppy picture .

A new and very interesting idea for the Cube-sat ..
Like jigsaw puzzle photo, Graham and /or Bell  will be sending a weppy picture in pieces  .
A complete photo will be composed from those collected  packets frames.

Graham and Bell packets:
Three different types of packets ASCII85 encoded.
 Normal online ASCII85 decoders will not work. Use PhoneSat’s Decoder to decode your packets.!!
Health Data Packet
Safe Mode Packets
Picture Packets

Alexander packets:
Packets will not be encoded; they will be plain ASCII characters.
There are 5 types of packet:

Sensors from the phone
Current and voltage values
BDot packet
Charging packet

More interesting info at   PhoneSat Packet description page

Orbital Sciences Corporation has confirmed the next probable attempt to test launch its Antares rocket from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va., will be no earlier than Friday, April 19, at 5 p.m. EDT.

April 17, 2013

Nanosatellite linear transponder (4) Delfi-n3Xt

Delfi-n3Xt (Delfi Triple CubeSat NeXt) is another Nanosatellite from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) with liner transponder. Launch is scheduled for Jul 2013.

Compared to Delfi-C3, Delfi-n3Xt will be equipped with batteries, an active ADCS, and a high-speed S-band transmitter.

The Communication Subsystem will carry no less than three radios:

The PTRX (Primary Transceiver)
provides an UHF (435 MHz) up-link at 600 or 1200 bit/s. The down-link is in VHF (145 MHz) at 1.2 or 2.4 Kbit/s. The PTRX is of Delfi-C3 heritage. The PTRX is further complimented with a linear transponder (UHF up, VHF down) . And might also be equipped with an experimental OLFAR (Orbiting Low Frequency ARray) transponder for very low frequencies.

The payload ITRX (ISIS Transceiver)
The frequency bands used by the ITRX are VHF for down-link and UHF for up-link. The data rates are 1200 bit/s for up-link and a maximum of 9600 bit/s for the down-link, which can be variable. The maximum transmitter power will be at least 400 mW,
Besides flying as a payload, the up-link receiver of the ITRX can be used as a backup command receiver for commanding the satellite. Furthermore, the transceiver will be used for ranging purposes, whereby the transceiver acts as a transponder.

The high-speed STX (S-band Transmitter).
The STX (S-band Transmitter) of 2.4 GHz provides variable down-link data rates between 9.6 and 250 Kbit/s.

In addition, there is the antenna subsystem consisting of at least 9 antennas. Four UHF up-link antennas are positioned alongside the solar panels, and four VHF down-link antennas are mounted canted turnstile at the far end of the satellite. The high-speed S-band down-link will use one or multiple patch antennas. 

Source : eoportal.org

April 16, 2013

Upcoming Satellites Frequency Chart

Upcoming Satellites Frequency Chart
All Satellites Frequency List Update see JE9PEL HP

April 15, 2013

Estonia’s ESTCube-1 integrated into Vega

The multi-satellite payload “stack” for Vega’s upcoming flight from French Guiana is now taking shape as the Arianespace-managed integration process advances at the Spaceport. This activity began in the Spaceport’sS5 clean room facility with installation of Estonia’s ESTCube-1 student nanosatellite on a flat mounting surface called the P2 Plate, which serves as the lower interface in the Vega’s payload stack. The small cube-shaped satellite and its dispenser were integrated using a bracket that was mounted to the P2 Plate.

The next step was the placement of Vietnam’s VNREDSat-1 with its interface adapter on the P2 Plate, joining ESTCube-1.
Both satellites are located in the payload stack’s lower position, and will ride inside a larger dispenser system called VESPA. Completing the payload arrangement will be installation of the mission’s third satellite—Proba-V—which is to ride atop the VESPA dispenser. Proba-V will have a mass at liftoff of 160kg. and is to monitor global vegetation growth. Produced by prime contractor QinetiQ Space Belgium for the European Space Agency, the satellite is equipped with a newer version of the Vegetation imaging instrument that previously operated on the Spot series of Earth observation satellites—which also were orbited by Arianespace.

The 1.3kg. ESTCube-1 cubesat was designed to test electric solar wind sail technologies, as well as help establish an Estonian infrastructure for future space projects. It was built by a collaboration of students from Tartu University, Estonian Aviation Academy, Tallinn University of Technology and University of Life Sciences —and was developed in conjunction with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the German Space Center (DLR).

Nanosatellite linear transponder (3) TurkSat

TurkSat is a 3U CubeSat, the first communication nanosatellite mission of ITU (Istanbul Technical University),

The VHF/UHF transponder is the main payload to provide two -way radio communications. The VHF uplink has a frequency of 145.990 MHz, the UHF downlink band has a frequency of 435.200 – 435.250 MHz. The transponder consists of amplifiers, filters, mixers and AGC (Automatic Gain Control) stages. The VHF uplink signal is up-converted to the UHF downlink signal linearly. The system has again of 150 dB with 60 dB of the total gain being adjustable. The communication system with transponder has a link margin of 10 dB.
Uplink center frequency
145.965 MHz
Downlink center frequency
435.225 MHz
±25 kHz
Output power
30 dBm (1W)
Receive sensitivity, gain
-120 dBm, 150 dB
Total power consumption
< 3 W
Automatic gain control
Monopole (Cu-Be)
PCB (Printed Circuit Board) size
8.8 cm x 8.8 cm x 0.5 cm
Transponder mass
< 250 g
Supply voltage
2.8 V, 3.3 V, 5 V DC
 Specification of the transponder system
 Illustration of the transponder desktop model (image credit: ITU)
Antenna system: The communication system consists of three subsystems with their backups: the modem, transponder, and the beacon.
UHF Antenna (435 MHz)
VHF Antenna (145 MHz)
No of antennas
Antenna system of the satellite communication subsystem
Source eoPortal 

April 14, 2013

Nanosatellite linear transponder (2)

I’ve been tracking and monitoring the STRaND-1 satellite during last few weeks before it became silent at March 31.
I was so impressed from its down-link signal strength and quality. I have no idea how much power it was pumping? I guessed around 500mw or more!

Considering my average ground station setup as a reference, I should say that the 3unit cubesat provides more than enough power to drive high  speed data link .

could be there  enough power to drive  a Liner transponder?!
what will be the overall efficiency of the transponder on board 3U cubesat?
And what methods taken during the design to eliminate the power-hog ?
A Multi AGC channels or LEILA ?

I hope more modern technique been used to handle and equally bending the Nano-satellite transponder power. It is still QRP transponder ! comparing to a Micosat transponder.

*TURKSAT-3USAT is a new Nano-satellite with linear transponder planned to launch on April 26, 2013  into a 680 km Low Earth Orbit .

*STRaND-1 the first UK 3 Unit CubeSat, STRaND-1, was launched on February 25  into a 785 km orbit  .